At a public function in the presence of the Prime Minister, Arjun Singh said that today the Congress Party is evaluating loyalty in a very limited context. He hastened to add that the Nehru-Gandhi family is fully capable of judging loyalty, implying that the Prime Minister is not.
The Congress Party has always been obsessed with loyalty. To the party loyalty is a greater virtue than capability. And to the Nehru-Gandhi family loyalty has meant loyalty to the family and not to the party. The reason for the pitiful state of the part today is that it has not been able to differentiate between loyalty and merit and between the party and the family. This is the reason why a person like Arjun Singh heads the HRD Ministry in a country of a billion people. This is the reason why today we have the most lackluster Home Minister of independent India, under whose regime there has been a resurgence of violence in the North East and from Naxalites. This is the reason that Narsimha Rao, one of the better Prime Ministers we have had, was not given a second term by the Congress High Command after having a successful first term. Apparently Rahul Gandhi is no different from his predecessors in this respect. Recently Congress MP Akhilesh Das resigned from the party because the coterie surrounding Rahul Gandhi was destroying the party in Uttar Pradesh.
Unfortunately this is the fate of all political parties. The top leadership everywhere is surrounding itself with loyalists in order to safeguard its position. Seekho India Seekho.